Cold & Snowy Outside - Warm-up with a Workshop

Our workshops this season have been amazing for photographers of all levels. So come in from the cold and join us for our next workshop. 

Saturday, February 1, 2025, 10:00 am-noon at Medford Leas

What Judges Look for in Competitions and Exhibitions

Presented by Rich Lewis

This is a fun, yet very frank look at the hardest job any photographer can do... Judging! We'll examine both the objective and subjective things that make a photograph great and exhibition worthy. Plus, YOU GET TO BE THE JUDGE! This is a workshop with audience participation. You get to judge some of my work, the work of other participants, and even the work of the photography masters. You'll discover that the perfect photograph doesn't actually need to be perfect if it does what the photographer intended. 

Register for this workshop



Updated Guidelines for Challenge Image Submission

We have further clarified the important details of image size & file size for submitting your monthly digital Challenge images. Link: Preparing Images for Challenges

Upcoming Events & Important Dates 

Tue 1/28 -RiverWinds Exhibit Pick-up

Sat 2/1 - Workshop at Medford Leas: What Judges Look for In Competitions & Exhibits by Richard Lewis
Sat 2/1 - Medford Leas Exhibit Pick-up

Tue 3/11 - MPUG via Zoom

Thu 2/13 - Presentation via Zoom: Creative by Henry Rowan

Tue 2/18 - Challenge in person Medford Leas: Assigned topic "WET" and open

Sat 3/1 - Workshop at Medford Leas: How To Plan A Milky Way Image by Pat Worley

More info & register for events from the CALENDAR

Who We Are

Founded in 1976, the South Jersey Camera Club (SJCC) was organized to promote the art and science of photography. Among its goals is the desire to unite others in sharing similar interests, to exchange ideas and photographic expertise, and to enhance the skills of club members. Our members come from all across the tri-state area, especially southern New Jersey & Philadelphia.

Dedicated To Better Photography

Outstanding speakers present interesting and informative programs. Field trips and workshops provide practical photographic experience. Themed and open challenges and bonus contests throughout the season encourage members to explore new techniques and subjects.

Multiple events/meetings are held throughout each month during our club season of September through June. Our in person Challenge meetings are held at the Medford Leas Community Center Auditorium, One Medford Leas Way, Medford, NJ 08055.

Programs are planned to interest photographers from beginners to skilled artisans. Guests and prospective members are always welcome. 

The South Jersey Camera Club is a registered 501(c)(3) tax-exempt, not for profit organization. Donations or endowments are tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law.


Why join a photography club?  Here is an article by PetaPixel on the benefits of joining a club.


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