South Jersey Camera Club Photography Workshops 2024-25 Season

Unless otherwise noted, workshops will be conducted in the Holly Room at Medford Leas. Workshops are for club members only and registration is required. Due to the interactive nature of many of these programs, for the most valuable experience, some sessions may end later than stated.

To register for a workshop, simply click on the link below your desired event.   You many also register through the calendar page by selecting the event and following the prompts there.


Saturday, September 7, 2024, 10:00 am-noon

Mounting, Matting & Framing

Presented by Bonnie Rovere

Want your photographs to be presented in a professional manner?  This workshop will help you do that. You will learn how to cut your own mats, various ways to mount photos, and how to present a photo for an exhibition.

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Saturday, October 5, 2024, 10:00 am-noon

Still Life Photography

Presented by Diane Emerson

The workshop will introduce you to three ways to shoot a still life with natural light and limited depth of field. Diane will share her inspiration and how to set up three types of still lifes for the best results in natural light.

1. On a table 2. On the floor 3. In a box

There will be several still lifes set up around the room for you to shoot. Please bring diffusers and reflectors if you have them (foam core works great as a reflector), and a tripod. Telephoto and macro lenses are recommended but you may bring whichever one or ones you own.

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Saturday November 2, 2024, 10:00 am-noon

Drone 101

Presented by Leo Pelletier

Itching to buy your first drone but don’t know where to start? Or do you own a drone that you’re afraid to fly? This workshop will help you take your photography to new heights with tips on gear, accessories, apps and more. Weather permitting, we’ll head outdoors for participants to get the feel of the controls in their hands and a short, controlled flight. Experienced drone pilots are welcome and encouraged to join in the discussion. Bring your drone if you have one.

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Saturday, December 7, 2024, 10:00 am-noon

Dark Field Photography

Presented by Sara Ascalon

Come over to the dark side! You’ve likely seen those dramatic images of objects and people shot against a black background and lit only with dazzling rim light. Achieving this impactful look is much easier than you may think. We’ll shed some light on the basic principles and set ups involved (including available window light!) and try our hand at creating our own compelling dark field imagery. Bring your tripod, camera and a telephoto lens (70mm or longer recommended).

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Saturday, January 4, 2025, 10:00 am-noon

Creative Composites: A Photographer's Guide to Subjective Reality

Presented by Sara Ascalon

Compositing (the art of combining elements of multiple photographs) allows the digital photographer to create a more perfect rendering of reality or take the viewer on a fantastical journey. The possibilities are limited only by your imagination.  We’ll explore the process from planning through shooting and editing.

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Saturday, February 1, 2025, 10:00 am-noon

What Judges Look for in Competitions and Exhibitions

Presented by Rich Lewis

This is a fun, yet very frank look at the hardest job any photographer can do... Judging! We'll examine both the objective and subjective things that make a photograph great and exhibition worthy. Plus, YOU GET TO BE THE JUDGE! This is a workshop with audience participation. You get to judge some of my work, the work of other participants, and even the work of the photography masters. You'll discover that the perfect photograph doesn't actually need to be perfect if it does what the photographer intended. 

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Saturday, March 1, 2025, 10:00 am-noon: How to Plan a Milky Way Image

Presented by Pat Worley

Photographing the Milky Way is fun and challenging. Preparation is key to a successful night of capturing the stars. In this workshop we will learn about the Galactic Center and when and how to photograph this dazzling display of celestial wonder. Emphasis will be placed on using apps such as PhotoPills and Plan It Pro. Bring your phones with the above-mentioned apps to follow along.

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Saturday, April 5, 2025, 10:00 am-noon

Instinctive Composition

Presented by Rich Lewis

Composition, to many photographers, is the most difficult thing to master. It’s not that composition is hard; it is just taught wrong. Photographers learn composition as a set of rules to follow, but that is not the case. Those “rules” are actually tools. Knowing which tools work best for a photograph is an instinct that this workshop will help you develop. We will have a short lecture, followed by a unique composition exercise. After that we will all review how the exercise went. This will be an informative and fun journey in learning to compose instinctively and not intellectually.

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Saturday, May 3, 2025, 10:00 am-noon: Spring Fling

Details TBD


Saturday, June 7, 2025,10:00 am-noon

A Pocket full of Poses

Presented by Bob Laramie

Does the thought of photographing people make you feel slightly sick to your stomach? You can create professional quality portraits with confidence, using the basic knowledge you’ll pick up in this workshop. Working with a live model, Bob will demonstrate basic techniques to direct both light and your subject. Participants will have the opportunity to apply these techniques under Bob’s guidance and discuss the merits of each pose, expression, and gesture captured. Bring your camera, lens (short telephoto zoom or prime – 35-70mm focal length recommended) and optional tripod.

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